
Monday, July 2, 2012

More bombardment of perspective stuff

The summer semester begins and on to more traditional paintings. Unfortunately my drawing hand isn't getting better. The universes hates my drawing hang hand T-T, I burned one of finger just too much bad luck I guess. Oh well here is more work from advance perspective class.
Here is some finished stuff
And here is everything unfinished huahahaha starting from Samurai
and other very unsuccessful stuff lol
Noah's ark
more thumbnails
Egypt (in this assignment we were to use photos in our paintings)
Greek myth
I survived T-T, hahaha but it was so much fun and so many new discoveries. I like that lol. Oh boy this is a big post...Hope you guys ENJOI!


  1. Damn Rizvi this is Dope. Great job, even the unfinished ones are awesome dude.

  2. MUSHK!!! You are a crazy beast!! Teach me how to be awesome like you! These are really epic. I LOVE THEM ALL :)

  3. Mushk, Your art works are awesome. I love them!

  4. These are so cool!! Lovin' the texture work and lighting, especially the one with 2 geishas by a tree infront of a large creature thing XD

  5. I did enjoi. I know some are unfinished but they look great; my favorite is your second egypt illlustration with skeletons, it reminded me of tomb raider lol

  6. Amazing work! even the unfinished is so good!

  7. Those are awesome, great job

  8. Really loving all your work. You should post stuff like this more often. Looking forward to you next post


  9. Thank everyone for your wonderful comment

    Seehee: I'm glad you like these.

    Diane: You know my secret, it happens every blue moon! <.<

    Jamie: Thank you ;_;

    Alfredo: Actually the one with skeletons is like a fanart for a game Resonance of Fate but it has nothing to do with mummies. lol

    Dewan & Mica: I'm glad you think and thank you so much for stopping by.
